Micah's Blog

a glimpse into the life of a beautiful baby boy...

July 20, 2009

Silas is Walking!

Hey everyone! We just wanted to post a video of our little Silas, who is now walking! Hooray! He started walking a couple weeks ago, and has just gone crazy with it. He is doing so good. We are very proud of him!

November 16, 2008

A new blog

The time has come.... I am officially ending my time in the spotlight. Since I have to share with my little brother now, I decided I will share my blog too. My mommy started a new blog if you want to read about our family- Thanks for following my first 2 years with me! I hope you keep connected with my mom, dad, Silas and me!

The new blog is www.thebarteljourney.blogspot.com

hope to see you there!

August 1, 2008

Summer Fun!

We have been having lots of fun this summer! Silas is getting big and starting to smile at us a lot! He likes to talk to us too, and I love to give him lots of kisses and hugs.

I have been playing outside a lot too! One afternoon, Daddy and I got to play in the sprinkler and the swimming pool in our back yard. He would swing me through the sprinkler-- I loved it!

Unfortunately, Silas missed all the fun.
I can't wait until he is big enough to play with me!

I love playing in the swimming pool!

One night, we went out to eat at a nice restaurant- it was so much fun! I had a good time hanging out with my family! Here I am with Daddy- aren't we so handsome!?!

We also took a trip to Wichita in July and Mommy and Daddy got to see a lot of their friends- here is a picture of all of us! I got to play with my friends Cora and Samuel too- it was so much fun! we didn't get to play for long enough though- I wish we could see all of them more! I know Mommy wishes that too!

July 19, 2008

Introducing Silas Paul Bartel...FINALLY!

So my new baby brother is already a month old, and Mommy and Daddy have finally gotten around to give me some pictures to put on the blog. People keep saying something about how that's what happens to the 'second child'. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I kind of like it :)

So anyway, Silas was born on June 18, at 9:45 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Here are a few of his first pictures:Of course, I have to show you a couple pics of both of us. We're pretty cool together, don't you think?

And, since mommy and daddy were so slow in getting pictures on here of Silas, he's already a month old. Here he is today....smiling!

June 3, 2008

I'm 2 years old now!

I'm 2! I had a great birthday a few weeks ago and I wanted to share some pictures with you about my day. There are so many things I can do now that I am 2- I get pretty silly sometimes!
I had to go to the doctor on the morning of my birthday, but hooray! no shots. Mommy thought I was going to get some, but I didn't have to! This is a picture of me waiting for the doctor to come in. This is one of my favorite things to do:

Later that day, I got to open some presents! I love to open presents. It is a lot of fun!

I got a train set from Mommy and Daddy. I love it! I am getting really good at building the tracks so I can drive my trains on it.
My favorite part is to go underneath the tunnels and over the bridges.

I also like to sit in the middle of the tracks, so Daddy has to always make sure there is a good place for me to sit! He builds great tracks!

I also had a birthday party with all of my family out at the Bartel Farm. All of my grandparents and great-grandparents were there- plus aunts and uncles and cousins! There was a lot of family and we had a great time! Grandpa Jay grilled and we ate watermelon! I love watermelon.

Mommy also made me a car cake for my birthday!

I got a lot of presents at my party...

... I am very good at unwrapping!

My favorite part of the party was when everyone sang Happy Birthday to me.
I kept saying "Sing Happy Birthday again!"

I had a great time with my family at my party!

it's been 3 months! oops!

Hi friends! I just noticed how it had been three months since I last posted some pictures of what I have been up to. Sorry! I will try to do better. Especially since Mommy is going to have her baby any time now! I am very excited to be a big brother! More about that later...

Here are some pictures of what I have been doing lately. I am growing so fast and talking a lot! I am sure you can tell from the video of VBS. I always have a lot to say!

Daddy has been teaching me how to cook:

I am very good at it!

We also like to play games together- Here I am winning at Connect 4!
Daddy isn't very good at that game.

I love to look at pictures on the computer with Daddy!

Just eating breakfast... this is how you are supposed to do it in Oklahoma.

It is getting hot outside and I love to play outside!

I love to drive my digger and play in the sandbox!

I am getting really good at building. Daddy helped me build this house,
but I can build a lot by myself too!

I love my family!

June 2, 2008

Micah at Bible School

Last week I got to go to Vacation Bible School at my church! It was so much fun. I played with my friends, made some cool crafts, and learned a lot. Watch my video to see what I learned!

March 9, 2008

My new BIG BOY room!!

I have really exciting news for you! Last night was my first night to sleep in my new room! My mommy and daddy worked really hard to get it all ready for me and last night, I got to sleep in a big boy bed instead of my crib! I was very excited and wanted to share some pictures of the whole thing with you!

Here is a picture of my room before:

Grandpa Jay came over and helped Daddy take out my crib and changing table and then I got to spend the night at his house! Mommy and Daddy must have been busy while I was gone, because when I came back, it was a brand new room!

Here is Daddy painting the white part on top:

And Mommy worked hard on the blue! I love how bright it is! It makes my room feel so happy and cheerful. I like to play there!

The living room was REALLY messy while they were working in my room. It is a good thing I was at Grandpa Jay's house!

After the painting was all done, Daddy worked on putting together my big boy bed. It has blue on it too!
And Mommy decorated my room by hanging things on the wall! Some of it was old things, but I have new pictures and shelves too!

Here is a picture of the completed room! What a change! I was a little overwhelmed when I first saw it, but now I am so excited about it!

I got a new dresser for my clothes and a new place to put my toys! I like it a lot because I can pull the bins out all by myself.

I even have my own little reading area! I love to sit on the pillows and read my books with Daddy.

And I love to sleep in my new bed! Mommy and Daddy say I am doing a great job- I don't like to use the pillow or blankets yet, and I like to have my head at the foot of the bed. Maybe someday I will flip around, but for now, I sleep like this!
I LOVE my new room!

February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi Friends!

It has been a rough month at our house. It seems like all we do is get sick lately! It all started about a month ago when I got a sinus infection, then Mommy got a cold, then Daddy got the flu, then Mommy got the flu, and I kept having fevers and infections and coughs and runny noses all throughout that time! It was not fun!! I know some of you know what that is like- Mommy says that a lot of people have been sick lately too! I am tired of being sick, and mommy is REALLY tired of it. She says she wants summer to come and no more flu season! Hopefully it will come soon!

I wanted to share some fun pictures with you- they are just a collection of what I have been up to lately! Since Mommy and Daddy have been sick, they aren't a lot of really recent pictures, but some that you haven't seen!

This picture is of my friend Ali and me. She comes to our house every Tuesday for a couple of hours to play. She is 6 and has a lot of fun reading to me and playing games. I love it when she comes over, and get so excited when we go pick her up from school!

My Uncle Brent got me these letters for Christmas and I LOVE them!! they are so much fun. Daddy made a crossword puzzle with them one day. He did a good job! It is hard when you only have one of each letter! I like to crawl around on them and I know a few of the letter names. My favorite right now is W.I like to play with the tupperware when Mommy is cooking. I crawl all the way into the cabinet and pull all of it out!
For Christmas, my Mommy and Daddy got me a baby to hold. I love it so much! I took it everywhere for about a month. I loved to cuddle it and give kisses. I hear that we are getting new baby at our house in June. I don't really know what that means, but I love babies so I am really excited!
Here is a picture of me and my Grandpa Jay. We have a lot of fun together! He let me try on his boots.
One other thing I got for Christmas was this awesome kitchen! I love to cook all kinds of things in it. It has a grill and a picnic table and bench on one side. I like to sit there and eat my snack in the afternoon sometimes. I also love to grill-- and I can grill all kinds of things- books, cake, balls, magnets from the fridge, the occasional hot dog and hamburger. I don't have any pictures of my grill masterpieces, but if I ever get any, I will be sure to post them.

I also love to try everything I make, and make Daddy and Mommy try them too. They think everything I make is delicious!

My favorite thing to do, though, is drink coffee. I pour it into the cups very carefully and serve it to Mommy and Daddy. I get some too-- and sometimes, I just drink it straight from the pot! It really is best that way.
Happy Valentine's Day from me, Mommy and Daddy! We love all of you!